Fastest Labs of Secaucus

Fastest Labs of Secaucus


Urgent CareHealth Care Services

About Us

Fastest Labs of Secaucus is a Drug, DNA and Alcohol Testing Facility serving nearly all industries with Testing and Workplace Policy Management Services. Our 24/7 availability for reasonable suspicion, post-accident and onsite and after-hours testing services make us an ideal partner for any employer's drug testing needs.

We service the fastest DOT drug tests, with lab turnaround times being 1-3 days. Our highest-in-class Breath Alcohol Testing machines are used for both DOT and non-DOT testing.

Our proprietary, FDA-approved rapid testing technology allows for a 5-minute turnaround time for up to an 18-panel drug test, including alcohol (EtG), used by Probation Officers, Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals, Nursing Colleges and all non-DOT employers.

Our Hair/Nail Testing are used for the Courts and for Employers for long-term drug use, and our ChildGuard Testing is to detect environmental exposure in children.

We service DNA testing needs for Personal, Forensic and Legal Relationship and Paternity testing, along with the new Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Testing (NIPP). We also carry out Immigration DNA testing, along with lifestyle DNA tests, such as for Food and Pet Sensitivity, DNA- Based Health and Performance Management, and ancestry information.

Fastest Labs of Secaucus also serves as a full-service workplace policy creation and management source for employers, including random program management and background checks for pre-employment.

Contact us to see how we can improve your operations and successfully maintain a drug-free, incident-free workplace.


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